Fast Four Quiz: Precision Medicine in Cancer

How much do you know about precision medicine in cancer? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
Bacteria ‘nanowires’ could help scientists develop green electronics

Engineered protein filaments originally produced by bacteria have been modified by scientists

Nuisance Seaweed Found to Produce Compounds with Biomedical Potential

A seaweed considered a threat to the healthy growth of coral reefs

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Lighting Up Can Bring You Down in Colorectal Surgery

Infection, pneumonia, blood clots and kidney failure are all possible complications after any major surgery.

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Stem cell gene therapy developed at ucla holds promise for eliminating hiv infection

Scientists at the UCLA Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell

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Researchers report potential new treatment to stop Alzheimer’s disease

  Last March, researchers at UCLA reported the development of a molecular compound called CLR01 that prevented toxic proteins associated

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Antioxidants may ease PAD blood pressure increase

  Low antioxidant levels contribute to increased blood pressure during exercise for

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Nuisance Seaweed Found to Produce Compounds with Biomedical Potential

A seaweed considered a threat to the healthy growth of coral reefs in Hawaii may possess the ability to produce

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Bacteria ‘nanowires’ could help scientists develop green electronics

Engineered protein filaments originally produced by bacteria have been modified by scientists to conduct electricity. In a study published recently

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New tools used to identify childhood cancer genes

Using a new computational strategy, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified 29 genetic

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New 3D printer uses rays of light to shape objects, transform product design

A new 3D printer uses light to transform gooey liquids into complex solid objects in

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Cotton-Based Hybrid Biofuel Cell Could Power Implantable Medical Devices

A glucose-powered biofuel cell that uses electrodes made from cotton fiber could someday help power

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Study reveals how an anesthesia drug induces unconsciousness

Propofol, a drug commonly used for general anesthesia, derails the brain’s normal balance between stability

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New clue in understanding increased Alzheimer’s risk

Scientists have discovered a new piece of the puzzle in understanding why some people are

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Scientists preserve DNA in an amber-like polymer

With their “T-REX” method, DNA embedded in the polymer could be used for long-term storage

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Hidden challenges of tooth loss and dentures revealed in new study

The hidden challenges faced by people with tooth loss and dentures has been identified by

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Short-term loneliness associated with physical health problems

Loneliness may be harmful to our daily health, according to a new study led by

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Technique improves the reasoning capabilities of large language models

Large language models like those that power ChatGPT have shown impressive performance on tasks like

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Artificial intelligence revolutionises monitoring of brain development in children

Researchers at QIMR Berghofer have developed a computer-based “growth chart” that could potentially transform the

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Multiple sclerosis is on the rise in Australia, but it’s not all bad news

UNSW medical researchers are at the forefront of advancing the science of multiple sclerosis detection

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