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High blood-sugar levels may harden heart valves

Assays created in a Rice University lab contain interstitial heart-valve cells, collagen and nutrients. These contain varying levels of glucose

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Hooray for Hollywood robots: Movie machines may boost robot acceptance

Remembering robots from film portrayals may help ease some of the anxiety that older adults have about using a robot,

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Researchers develop new robot medics for places doctors are unable to be

Credit: University of Sheffield Game-changing robotics technology that can provide remote medical treatment to casualties

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Even thinking about marriage gets young people to straighten up

You don’t have to get married to settle down and leave behind your wild ways

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UCLA patient is first to receive successful heart transplant after using experimental 50cc Total Artificial Heart

A petite 44-year-old woman has received a successful heart transplant at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical

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Via Dying Cells, UVA Finds Potential Way to Control Cholesterol Levels

A discovery about how the body deals with the cholesterol contained within its dying cells

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