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New tool to help brain surgeons one step closer to operating room

      Purdue graduate student Livia Eberlin uses DESI technology to analyze a sample. A team led by R.

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Stem Cells Show Potential to Treat A Leading Cause of Blindness

Stem cells derived from body fat show great potential for treating and possibly even reversing the effects of diabetic retinopathy,

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New target for anticancer drugs: RNA

Most of today’s anticancer drugs target the DNA or proteins in tumor cells, but a

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Promising Drug a ‘New Paradigm’ for Treating Leukemia

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have developed a compound that delays

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IQ of Children in Better-Educated Households is Higher, Study Indicates

Young adults who were raised in educated households develop higher cognitive ability than those who

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Experts: Overhydration Potentially Deadly for Athletes

While the risks of dehydration are well known, new international guidelines seek to protect athletes

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Many species now going extinct may vanish without a fossil trace

Scientists struggle to compare the magnitude of Earth’s ongoing sixth mass-extinction event with the five

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