
855 Articles

Carbon dioxide sensor can lower energy use, reduce utility costs

New technology uses carbon dioxide sensor to manage climate control in buildings, homes Walk in a room, the light goes

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Study: Football offensive linemen should start plays upright to avoid hits to the head

Repetitive hits to the head can cause brain damage without actually leading to a concussion, past studies have suggested. Just

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Microwaves power new technology for batteries, energy

New battery technology involving microwaves may provide an avenue for renewable energy conversion and storage. Purdue University researchers created a

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When Damaged, the Adult Brain Repairs Itself by Going Back to the Beginning

When adult brain cells are injured, they revert to an embryonic state, according to new findings published in the April

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Loss of Smell and Taste Validated as COVID-19 Symptoms

Study suggests clinicians should include sensory impairment as standard screening measure Loss of smell and taste has been anecdotally linked

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Proteins may halt the severe cytokine storms seen in Covid-19 patients

Team designs antibody-like receptor proteins that can bind to cytokines, as possible strategy for treating coronavirus and other infections. One

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Urban land could grow fruit and vegetables for 15 percent of the population

Growing fruit and vegetables in just 10 per cent of a city’s gardens and other urban green spaces could provide

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Psychologists study mental health and social impacts of COVID-19

Psychologists at the University of Sheffield have launched a study of the mental health and social impacts of the COVID-19

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