
855 Articles

Water + air + electricity = hydrogen peroxide

The production of hydrogen peroxide can be much safer and simpler through a process developed at Rice University. A reactor

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Strong Student-Adult Relationships Lower Suicide Attempts in High Schools

High schools where students are more connected to peers and adult staff, and share strong relationships with the same adults,

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Needle-Free Flu Vaccine Patch Effective in Early Study

A new needle-free flu vaccine patch revved up the immune system much like a traditional flu shot without any negative

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A promising treatment for an incurable, deadly kidney disease

A potential treatment for polycystic kidney disease – a genetic disorder that causes the kidneys to swell with multiple cysts

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Exercise could slow withering effects of Alzheimer’s

Exercising several times a week may delay brain deterioration in people at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a

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Creating batteries that could help power air travel

Researchers at the Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research have created new computer models to predict the life and

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Smartphone Apps May Connect to Vulnerable Backend Cloud Servers

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered vulnerabilities in the backend systems that feed content and advertising to smartphone applications through a network

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What happens when you explode a chemical bond?

On bright summer days, the sunlight all around us is breaking bad by breaking bonds. Chemical bonds. Ultraviolet light shatters

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