
855 Articles

New 3D printer uses rays of light to shape objects, transform product design

A new 3D printer uses light to transform gooey liquids into complex solid objects in only a matter of minutes.

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Greenland ice melting rapidly, study finds

Greenland is melting faster than scientists previously thought—and will likely lead to faster sea level rise—thanks to the continued, accelerating

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An ancient relative of humans shows a surprisingly modern trait

Study finds an archaic hominin had modern dental growth A relative of modern humans that lived at least 104,000 years

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The 17 different ways your face conveys happiness

Humans have more universal ways of expressing happiness than any other emotion, study finds

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Speeding up genetic diagnosis of Huntington’s disease

People with Huntington’s disease suffer from jerky body movements and decreasing mental abilities. The condition usually leads to death 15–20

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Essential nutrient may help fight Alzheimer’s across generations

In a new study, researchers at the Biodesign Institute explore a safe and simple treatment for one of the most

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Serious Loneliness Spans the Adult Lifespan but there is a Silver Lining

Feeling alone linked to psychological and physical ills, but wisdom may be a protective factor In recent years, public health

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