
855 Articles

Latinos age slower than other ethnicities UCLA study shows

A UCLA study is the first to show that Latinos age at a slower rate than other ethnic groups. The

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Diet and exercise can reduce protein build ups linked to Alzheimers UCLA study shows

A study by researchers at UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior has found that a healthy diet, regular

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Cancer-spreading: Caught in the act

Scientists at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA have taken a major step toward confirming an unusual theory of how

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Raising tobacco sales age to 21 is best way to prevent lifelong addiction

Raising the national minimum age to buy cigarettes to 21 would save lives by preventing adolescents from ever taking up

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Even thinking about marriage gets young people to straighten up

You don’t have to get married to settle down and leave behind your wild ways – you just have to

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Study: People tend to locate the self in the brain or the heart – and it affects their judgments and decisions

Whether people locate their sense of self in the brain or the heart can have a major influence on their

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UCLA patient is first to receive successful heart transplant after using experimental 50cc Total Artificial Heart

A petite 44-year-old woman has received a successful heart transplant at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, thanks to an experimental

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Via Dying Cells, UVA Finds Potential Way to Control Cholesterol Levels

A discovery about how the body deals with the cholesterol contained within its dying cells has suggested an exciting new

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