
855 Articles

Targeting Newly Discovered Pathway Sensitizes Tumors to Radiation and Chemotherapy

In some patients, aggressive cancers can become resistant to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In a paper published in the journal

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Eastern U.S. forests more vulnerable to drought than before 1800s

Over thousands of years, most forests in the eastern United States evolved with frequent fire, which promoted tree species and

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Why corporations don’t always ‘learn’ their way to success

Any business guru will tell you that companies achieve success by learning from their experiences in the marketplace.

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Divide and rule: a tumour’s strategy

Researchers supported by the SNSF have discovered how aggressive cells can invade healthy tissue during the earliest stage of tumour

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Familiar drugs may block Ebola virus infection

A well-known class of molecules, many of which are already in use therapeutically, may be able to block the Ebola

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Legacy of slavery still impacts education in the South

Slavery was abolished more than 150 years ago, but its effects are still felt today in K-12 education in the

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.