
855 Articles

Alzheimer protein’s structure may explain its toxicity

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have determined the molecular structure of one of the proteins in the

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Cotton fibres instead of carbon nanotubes

Plant-based cellulose nanofibres do not pose a short-term health risk, especially short fibres, shows a study conducted in the context

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Study illuminates role of cancer drug decitabine in repairing damaged cells

A Purdue University study sheds light on how cell damage is reversed by the cancer drug decitabine and identifies a

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Walking an Extra Two Minutes Each Hour May Offset Hazards of Sitting Too Long

A new study suggests that engaging in low intensity activities such as standing may not be enough to offset the

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Exercise for people with dementia improves balance and reduces dependence

Regular exercise improves balance for people with dementia and can reduce dependence on assistance. This according to new research on

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Distinguishing coincidence from causality: connections in the climate system

Detecting how changes in one spot on Earth – in temperature, rain, wind – are linked to changes in another,

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The warmer the higher: sea-level rise from Filchner-Ronne ice in Antarctica

The more ice is melted of the Antarctic Filchner-Ronne shelf, the more ice flows into the ocean and the more

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UI Health validates cure for sickle cell in adults

Ieshea Thomas was the first adult to be cured of sickle cell disease with the chemotherapy-free procedure at UI Health.

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