
855 Articles

The future of electronics—now in 2D

The element germanium in its natural state. Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a technique for making one-atom-thick

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Study: Listeria pathogen is prevalent, persistent in retail delis

Haley Oliver (right) and Jess Buening, a senior in animal sciences, examine a meat slicer. Credit: Purdue University / Tom

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Neurologists find movement tracking device helps assess severity of Parkinson’s

A device that measures movement and balance can effectively help assess and track the progression of Parkinson’s disease, even when

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Clean technology can partially make up for weak CO2 pricing

Clean technology support can to some extent make up for weak CO2 pricing and hence help keep the two degrees

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Major Discovery on Spinal Injury Reveals Unknown Immune Response

In a discovery that could dramatically affect the treatment of brain and spinal cord injuries, researchers at the University of

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Inventors choose to reveal their secret sauce before patent approval

Common wisdom and prior economic research suggest that an inventor filing a patent would want to keep the technical know-how

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Slick and slender snake beats short and stubby lizard in sand swimming

    The shovel-nosed snake, which is found in the Mojave Desert of the southeast United States, has an elongated

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Sensing distant tornadoes, birds flew the coop. What tipped them off?

When birds unexpectedly flee their nesting grounds, it may be a demonstration of Mother Nature’s early-warning system that a massive

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.