
855 Articles

Tiny laser sensor heightens bomb detection sensitivity

The plasmon laser sensor consists of a thin slab of semiconductor separated from the metal surface by a dielectric gap

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Carbyne morphs when stretched

Applying just the right amount of tension to a chain of carbon atoms can turn it from a metallic conductor

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Gene discovery could lead to better soybean varieties for northern United States

Researchers from Purdue University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have discovered a soybean gene whose mutation affects plant stem growth,

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Learn Dutch in your sleep

When you have learned words in another language, it may be worth listening to them again in your sleep. A

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Sitting too much, not just lack of exercise, is detrimental to cardiovascular health

Cardiologists at UT Southwestern Medical Center found that sedentary behaviors may lower cardiorespiratory fitness levels. New evidence suggests that two

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MyChart use skyrocketing among cancer patients

(l-r) Drs. David Gerber and Simon J. Craddock Lee, Credit: UT Southwestern   There has been a sharp increase in

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Two ‘Goldilocks planets’ that might support life are proven false

Mysteries about controversial signals coming from a dwarf star considered to be a prime target in the search for extraterrestrial

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Expectant moms turn to ‘Dr. Google’ for pregnancy advice

Pregnant women are using the Internet to seek answers to their medical questions more often than they would like, say

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.