
855 Articles

With Their Amazing Necks, Ants Don’t Need “High Hopes” to Do Heavy Lifting

Micro-CT scans of an Allegheny mound ant. Ohio State University engineers studied the ant's neck region, shown in more detail

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In Vitro Innovation: Testing Nanomedicine With Blood Cells On A Microchip

Schematic of an endothelialized microfluidic device that consists of two-layer microfluidic channels that are separated by a porous membrane (3

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Ballistic Transport in Graphene Suggests New Type of Electronic Device

Conceptual drawing of an electronic circuit comprised of interconnected graphene nanoribbons (black atoms) that are epitaxially grown on steps etched

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Qld researchers make major breakthrough in multiple sclerosis

New Queensland research suggests that controlling infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) – the most common cause of glandular fever –

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Researchers ID more pesticides linked to Parkinson’s, gene that increases risk

Studies have shown that certain pesticides can increase people's risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Now, UCLA researchers have found that

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Rice lab clocks ‘hot’ electrons

Plasmonic nanoparticles developed at Rice University are becoming known for their ability to turn light into heat, but how to

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Clinical study finds ‘bubble CPAP’ boosts neonatal survival rates

Neonatal nurse Florence Mwenifumbo monitors a newborn that is receiving bubble CPAP treatment at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre,

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Cohabitation Plays ‘Major Role’ in Number of Long-Term Relationships

A new national study provides surprising evidence of how cohabitation contributes to the number of long-term relationships lasting eight years

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