
855 Articles

‘Smart’ shirt keeps tabs on the heart

Rice’s flexible carbon nanotube fibers woven into clothing gather accurate EKG, heart rate There’s no need to don uncomfortable smartwatches

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Ending prices with “.99” can backfire on sellers

Setting a price just below a round number ($39.99 instead of $40) may lead consumers into thinking a product is

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High-speed camera captures a water jet’s splashy impact as it pierces a droplet

The results may help engineers develop a way to inject drugs without needles. Squirting a jet of water through a

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Magnets could offer better control of prosthetic limbs

System uses tiny magnetic beads to rapidly measure the position of muscles and relay that information to a bionic prosthesis.

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Social interaction can help fight depression in people with dementia

Social and group activities can help fight depression in people with dementia, new research has found. Researchers from the University

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Common weight-loss drug successfully targets fat that can endanger heart health

Researchers at UT Southwestern announced successful results of a clinical trial for a commonly prescribed weight-loss drug called liraglutide. In

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Wearable Brain-Machine Interface Turns Intentions into Actions

A new wearable brain-machine interface (BMI) system could improve the quality of life for people with motor dysfunction or paralysis,

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