
855 Articles

The Stress and Cancer Link: ‘Master-Switch’ Stress Gene Enables Cancer’s Spread

In an unexpected finding, scientists have linked the activation of a stress gene in immune-system cells to the spread of

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Tumor measurements predict survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

For the two-thirds of lung cancer patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease, tumor size is not used currently to

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Copper Identified as Culprit in Alzheimer’s Disease

Copper appears to be one of the main environmental factors that trigger the onset  and enhance the progression of Alzheimer’s

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UCLA researcher invents new tools to manage ‘information overload’ threatening neuroscience

Before the digital age, neuroscientists got their information in the library like the rest of us. But the explosion of

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More Realistic Simulated Cloth for More Realistic Video Games and Movies

Computer scientists at the University of California, San Diego, have developed a new model to simulate with unprecedented accuracy on

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Noninvasive test optimizes colon cancer screening rates

A study of nearly 6,000 North Texas patients suggests sweeping changes be made to the standard of care strategy for

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Exercise May be the Best Medicine for Alzheimer’s

New research out of the University of Maryland School of Public Health shows that exercise may improve cognitive function in

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Tiny, brightly shining silicon crystals could be safe for deep-tissue imaging

Tiny silicon crystals caused no health problems in monkeys three months after large doses were injected, marking a step forward

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