
855 Articles

New approach alters malaria maps

Identifying areas of malarial infection risk depends more on daily temperature variation than on the average monthly temperatures, according to

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Engineering control theory helps create dynamic brain models

Models of the human brain, patterned on engineering control theory, may some day help researchers control such neurological diseases as

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Excess Protein Linked to Development of Parkinson’s Disease

        Using serial block face scanning electron microscopy and other technologies, researchers created three-dimensional images of the

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Working Alone Won’t Get You Good Grades

Students who work together and interact online are more likely to be successful in their college classes, according to a

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Antarctic Ice Core Contains Unrivaled Detail of Past Climate

Donald Voigt, chief scientist at the WAIS Divide Camp, examines an ice core. (Credit: Gifford Wong, Dartmouth College)    

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Essential armchair reading for nanotube researchers

The first fruits of a cooperative venture between scientists at Rice University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Some Health Benefits Of Berries May Not Make It Past Your Mouth

Research has suggested that compounds that give colorful fruits their rich hues, especially berries, promote health and might even prevent

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Good Mood Helps Boost Brain Power in Older Adults

Older adults can improve their decision making and working memory simply by putting on a happy face, a new study

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