Yoga Can Lower Fatigue, Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors

Practicing yoga for as little as three months can reduce fatigue and lower inflammation in breast cancer survivors, according to

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Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance – encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe –

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Life’s molecules could lie within reach of Mars Curiosity rover

  Stick a shovel in the ground and scoop. That's about how deep scientists need to go in order to

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The Key (Proteins) to Self-Renewing Skin

  In the July 6 issue of Cell Stem Cell, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of

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Adoption of advanced techniques could propel crop improvement

  Scientists could take greater strides toward crop improvement if there were wider adoption of advanced techniques used to understand

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Evidence of life on Mars could come from Martian moon

    The image shows the orbits of the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos and the spread of potential particle

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Curry spice, omega-3 fatty acid preserve walking ability following spinal-cord injury

  UCLA researchers have discovered that a diet enriched with a popular omega-3 fatty acid and an ingredient in curry

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New compound holds promise for treating Duchenne MD, other inherited diseases

  Scientists at UCLA have identified a new compound that could treat certain types of genetic disorders in muscles. It

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Glucose deprivation activates feedback loop that kills cancer cells, UCLA study shows

  Compared to normal cells, cancer cells have a prodigious appetite for glucose, the result of a shift in cell

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Protein May Be Key to Psoriasis and Wound Care

  Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder in which skin cells proliferate out of control. For some hard-to-heal wounds, the problem

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