Yoga Can Lower Fatigue, Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors

Practicing yoga for as little as three months can reduce fatigue and lower inflammation in breast cancer survivors, according to

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Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance – encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe –

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Strange cousins: molecular alternatives to DNA, RNA offer new insight into life’s origins

  Living systems owe their existence to a pair of information-carrying molecules: DNA and RNA. These fundamental chemical forms possess

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Modest Alcohol Use Lowers Risk and Severity of Some Liver Disease

  People with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NALFD) who consume alcohol in modest amounts – no more than one or

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USF researchers find that Alzheimer’s precursor protein controls its own fate

  A research team led by the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences has found that

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The Neurogenics of Niceness

  Study finds peoples' relative niceness may reside in their genes       It turns out that the milk

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Gene mutation identified as contributor to autism spectrum disorders

  There is little argument among experts that autism spectrum disorders (ASD), complex developmental disabilities that vary widely in their

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Caloric moderation can reverse link between low birth weight and obesity, study finds

  Babies who are born small have a tendency to put on weight during childhood and adolescence if allowed free

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Ultimate Volumetrics diet book helps people lose weight, manage hunger

  A new book by Barbara Rolls, professor of nutritional sciences and Helen A. Guthrie Chair in Nutrition at Penn

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    Images showing that in vivo delivery of imipramine blue yields decreased invasion of the tumor into healthy tissue.

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