Yoga Can Lower Fatigue, Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors

Practicing yoga for as little as three months can reduce fatigue and lower inflammation in breast cancer survivors, according to

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Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance – encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe –

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Bacteria Overgrowth Could Be Major Cause of Stunting in Children

Excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestine could be damaging the guts of young children, leading to stunting, scientists

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Targeting Newly Discovered Pathway Sensitizes Tumors to Radiation and Chemotherapy

In some patients, aggressive cancers can become resistant to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In a paper published in the journal

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Rapid Testing for TB Aims to Reduce Drug Resistance, Lower Mortality Rate

Researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have documented the accuracy of three new tests for more

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UI Health validates cure for sickle cell in adults

Ieshea Thomas was the first adult to be cured of sickle cell disease with the chemotherapy-free procedure at UI Health.

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The warmer the higher: sea-level rise from Filchner-Ronne ice in Antarctica

The more ice is melted of the Antarctic Filchner-Ronne shelf, the more ice flows into the ocean and the more

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Distinguishing coincidence from causality: connections in the climate system

Detecting how changes in one spot on Earth – in temperature, rain, wind – are linked to changes in another,

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Exercise for people with dementia improves balance and reduces dependence

Regular exercise improves balance for people with dementia and can reduce dependence on assistance. This according to new research on

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