Yoga Can Lower Fatigue, Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors

Practicing yoga for as little as three months can reduce fatigue and lower inflammation in breast cancer survivors, according to

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Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance – encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe –

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Researchers uncover structure of enzyme that makes plant cellulose

Purdue researchers have discovered the structure of the enzyme that makes cellulose, a finding that could lead to easier ways

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Solar cell film made from kesterite or perovskite absorbs energy more efficiently and is cheaper to manufacture

The basic function of solar cells is to harvest sunlight and turn it into electricity. Thus, it is critically important

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UCLA biologists delay the aging process by ‘remote control’

UCLA biologists have identified a gene that can slow the aging process throughout the entire body when activated remotely in

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Human faces are so variable because we evolved to look unique

The amazing variety of human faces – far greater than that of most other animals – is the result of

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Counting fish teeth reveals DNA changes behind rapid evolution

Sticklebacks, the roaches of the fish world, are the ideal animal in which to study the genes that control body

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Math Model Designed to Replace Invasive Kidney Biopsy for Lupus Patients

Mathematics might be able to reduce the need for invasive biopsies in patients suffering kidney damage related to the autoimmune

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Researchers at UCSB and the University of Pittsburgh use breast milk to show a correlation between dietary fats and academic success

You are what you eat, the saying goes, and now a study conducted by researchers at UC Santa Barbara and

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Scientists Discover Neurochemical Imbalance in Schizophrenia

Enzymes that biosynthesize the neurotransmitters dopamine (left), norepinephrine (center) and epinephrine (right).Credit: UC San Diego School of Medicine    

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