Yoga Can Lower Fatigue, Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors

Practicing yoga for as little as three months can reduce fatigue and lower inflammation in breast cancer survivors, according to

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Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance – encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe –

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Babies born at 37 and 38 weeks are at higher risk for adverse health outcomes than those born at 39 – 41 weeks

Babies considered “early-term,” born at 37 or 38 weeks after a mother’s last menstrual period, may look as healthy as

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New Genetic Discovery Could Reduce the Guesswork in Drug Dosing

The discovery of genetic differences affecting up to a third of the population could take the guesswork out of prescribing

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‘Cupcake bans’ rare, but policies may reduce overexposure to sugary treats

Nearly 1 in 3 American children are overweight or obese, but sugary sweets are often on the menu at elementary

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U.Va. Researcher: Methane Out, Carbon Dioxide In?

A University of Virginia engineering professor has proposed a novel approach for keeping waste carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

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Transformer’ star discovered with X-rays and radio waves

A fleet of orbiting X-ray telescopes that includes NASA's Swift orbiting observatory, which is controlled by Penn State, has been

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Lighting Up Can Bring You Down in Colorectal Surgery

Infection, pneumonia, blood clots and kidney failure are all possible complications after any major surgery. A new study shows that

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Personality a Key Factor in Health Care Use

Psychiatrists and psychologists have long understood that an individual’s personality can define how he or she views the world around

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‘Vicious cycle’ shields, spreads cancer cells

A “vicious cycle” produces mucus that protects uterine and pancreatic cancer cells and promotes their proliferation, according to researchers at

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