
The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Health conditions, like illnesses, injuries and impairments, affect our ability to function or enjoy life.

Dozing at the wheel? Not with these fatigue-detecting earbuds

UC Berkeley researchers have created earpieces that identify brain activity associated with relaxation and drowsiness. Everyone gets sleepy at work

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Multiple sclerosis is on the rise in Australia, but it’s not all bad news

UNSW medical researchers are at the forefront of advancing the science of multiple sclerosis detection and treatment. More than 30,000

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Scientists Discover a New Signaling Pathway and Design a Novel Drug for Liver Fibrosis

A healthy liver filters all the blood in your body, breaks down toxins and digests

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Advance in immune cell screening uncovers receptors that target prostate cancer

A recent UCLA study demonstrates a new process for screening T cells, part of the

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Simulation reveals new mechanism for membrane fusion

An intricate simulation performed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers using one of the world’s

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Understanding ‘Y’: Chromosome Discovery Advances Fight Against Heart Failure in Men

University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have discovered a gene on the Y chromosome

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A Deep Dive Into the Genetics of Alcohol Consumption

A research group centered at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has

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