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Urban Heat Has Large-scale Climate Effects

The heat generated by everyday activities in metropolitan areas has a significant enough warming effect to influence the character of

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URMC Contributes to Landmark Study on Origins of Congenital Heart Disease

In a first-of-its-kind study published in the journal Nature, scientists identified a group of gene mutations that may be behind

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Sensing distant tornadoes, birds flew the coop. What tipped them off?

When birds unexpectedly flee their nesting grounds, it may be a demonstration of Mother Nature’s

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Scientists measure speedy electrons in silicon

The entire semiconductor industry, not to mention Silicon Valley, is built on the propensity of

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Organic electronics could lead to cheap, wearable medical sensors

UC Berkeley engineers have created a pulse oximeter sensor composed of all-organic optoelectronics that uses

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Diverticulosis much less risky than previously thought, UCLA researchers find

People who have diverticulosis, pouches in the lining of the colon, often worry that they

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Prostate cancer stem cells are a moving target, UCLA researchers say

UCLA researchers have discovered how prostate cancer stem cells evolve as the disease progresses, a

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