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Astonishing regeneration potential of the pancreas

Up until puberty, the pancreas is more adaptable and possesses a greater potential for self-healing than had previously been assumed.

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Plasmonic’ material could bring ultrafast all-optical communications

Researchers have created a new "plasmonic oxide material" that could make possible devices for optical communications that are at least

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Coral Reef Winners and Losers

Contrary to the popular research-based assumption that the world’s coral reefs are doomed, a new

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New ways to treat anemia could evolve from acetate supplement research

UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers seeking novel treatments for anemia found that giving acetate, the

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University of Minnesota-developed safety net drug for rigid muscles moves ahead in clinical trials

A new formulation for a University of Minnesota-developed drug targeted at rare disorders is under

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Robotic fabric could bring ‘active clothing,’ wearable robots

Orienting the robotic fabric in two different directions causes a block of foam to either

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New chip promising for tumor-targeting research

This illustration shows the design of a new chip capable of simulating a tumor's "microenvironment"

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