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Astonishing regeneration potential of the pancreas

Up until puberty, the pancreas is more adaptable and possesses a greater potential for self-healing than had previously been assumed.

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Plasmonic’ material could bring ultrafast all-optical communications

Researchers have created a new "plasmonic oxide material" that could make possible devices for optical communications that are at least

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Researchers find new targets for treating pulmonary hypertension

Two new potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, a deadly disease

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Neurons in human skin perform advanced calculations

Neurons in human skin perform advanced calculations, previously believed that only the brain could perform.

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Brain networks ‘hyper-connected’ in young adults who had depression

Depression may be better predicted and understood now that University of Illinois at Chicago researchers

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Astonishing regeneration potential of the pancreas

Up until puberty, the pancreas is more adaptable and possesses a greater potential for self-healing

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UMN researchers find animal model for understudied type of muscular dystrophy

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed an animal research model for facioscapulohumeral muscular

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