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Counting fish teeth reveals DNA changes behind rapid evolution

Sticklebacks, the roaches of the fish world, are the ideal animal in which to study the genes that control body

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A new electronic component to replace flash storage

Researchers funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation have created a new electronic component that could replace flash storage. This

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No Excess Baggage: Antarctic Insect’s Genome, Newly Sequenced, is Smallest to Date

Scientists who sequenced the genome of the Antarctic midge suspect the genome’s small size –

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Children with Disabilities Benefit from Classroom Inclusion

The secret to boosting the language skills of preschoolers with disabilities may be to put

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Removing school vending machines is not enough to cut soda consumption

Banning vending machines from schools can actually increase soda and fast food consumption among students

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Pistachios may lower vascular response to stress in Type 2 diabetes

In adults with diabetes, two servings of pistachios per day lowered vascular constriction during stress

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Watching Schrodinger’s cat die

Continuous monitoring of a qantum system can direct the quantum state along a random path.

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