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Minimally invasive procedures offer hope for elderly patients with heart-valve problems

Annie Henderson, 69, suffers from multiple chronic ailments, including kidney failure and mitral valve insufficiency. The later turned her life

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Scientists Seek to Improve Flu Vaccine for the Very Young

Scientists at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry have discovered a way to make a nasal spray

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Dangers of desert dust: new diagnostic tool for valley fever

On July 5, 2011, a massive wall of dust,  (“haboob,” in Arabic), blanketed Phoenix, Arizona,

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UT Southwestern researchers uncover new brain pathways for understanding Type 2 diabetes and obesity

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified neural pathways that increase understanding of how

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Cancer researchers identify irreversible inhibitor for KRAS gene mutation

UT Southwestern Medical Center cancer researchers have found a molecule that selectively and irreversibly interferes

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Study Points To Potential New Target For Antibiotics Against E. coli, Other Bugs

Scientists have identified a protein that is essential to the survival of E. coli bacteria,

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