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Urban Heat Has Large-scale Climate Effects

The heat generated by everyday activities in metropolitan areas has a significant enough warming effect to influence the character of

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URMC Contributes to Landmark Study on Origins of Congenital Heart Disease

In a first-of-its-kind study published in the journal Nature, scientists identified a group of gene mutations that may be behind

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New teaching approach touted for engineering education

Jeffrey Rhoads, left, and Charles Krousgrill are using a new teaching approach for large classes

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‘Trust hormone’ oxytocin helps old muscle work like new, study finds

The healthy muscle tissue on the left is from a young mouse. The ability of

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The Connection Between Oxygen and Diabetes

the whole thing happens,” said Jerrold M. Olefsky, MD, associate dean for Scientific Affairs and

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Eco-Explorer Sri Lanka, Horton Plains

Horton plains a plateau named after the former British Governor Sir Robert Horton of 1831-1837,

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Dangerous nitrogen pollution could be halved

The most important fertilizer for producing food is, at the same time, one of the

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