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Astonishing regeneration potential of the pancreas

Up until puberty, the pancreas is more adaptable and possesses a greater potential for self-healing than had previously been assumed.

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Plasmonic’ material could bring ultrafast all-optical communications

Researchers have created a new "plasmonic oxide material" that could make possible devices for optical communications that are at least

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Older adults: Build muscle and you’ll live longer

New UCLA research suggests that the more muscle mass older Americans have, the less likely

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UCLA study yields more accurate data on thousands of years of climate change

Tropical glacier in Papua New Guinea Credit: Paul Warren and Lonnie Thompson   Using a

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U.Va. Researchers Identify Novel Cell Type That Leads to Aggressive Leukemia

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have discovered a specific type of

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Cholesterol-metabolism study suggests new diagnostic, treatment approach for aggressive prostate cancer

Researchers have discovered a link between prostate cancer aggressiveness and the accumulation of a compound

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Gene identified by Purdue scientists may ease the genetic modification of plants

Purdue professor Stanton Gelvin sits next to Arabidopsis seedlings in his laboratory. A team led

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