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Urban Heat Has Large-scale Climate Effects

The heat generated by everyday activities in metropolitan areas has a significant enough warming effect to influence the character of

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URMC Contributes to Landmark Study on Origins of Congenital Heart Disease

In a first-of-its-kind study published in the journal Nature, scientists identified a group of gene mutations that may be behind

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In Vitro Innovation: Testing Nanomedicine With Blood Cells On A Microchip

Schematic of an endothelialized microfluidic device that consists of two-layer microfluidic channels that are separated

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Ballistic Transport in Graphene Suggests New Type of Electronic Device

Conceptual drawing of an electronic circuit comprised of interconnected graphene nanoribbons (black atoms) that are

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Researchers ID more pesticides linked to Parkinson’s, gene that increases risk

Studies have shown that certain pesticides can increase people's risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Now,

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Qld researchers make major breakthrough in multiple sclerosis

New Queensland research suggests that controlling infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) – the most common

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Clinical study finds ‘bubble CPAP’ boosts neonatal survival rates

Neonatal nurse Florence Mwenifumbo monitors a newborn that is receiving bubble CPAP treatment at Queen

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