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No Excess Baggage: Antarctic Insect’s Genome, Newly Sequenced, is Smallest to Date

Scientists who sequenced the genome of the Antarctic midge suspect the genome’s small size – the smallest in insects described

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U.Va. Research Overturns Basic Beliefs About Atherosclerosis

Doctors’ efforts to battle the dangerous atherosclerotic plaques that build up in our arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes

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Study: Bladder cancer could reoccur despite bladder removal

Patients with advanced bladder cancers that are surgically removed might need additional therapy to prevent

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One Bad Gene: Mutation that Causes Rare Sleep Disorder Linked to Migraines

  A gene mutation associated with a rare sleep disorder surprisingly also contributes to debilitating

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Researchers reverse antibiotic resistance in superbugs

Taking a specific form of a vitamin E supplement can accelerate the health benefits that

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Quit Smoking? Vitamin E May Give Extra Boost to Heart Health

Taking a specific form of a vitamin E supplement can accelerate the health benefits that

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Focus on STD, Not Cancer Prevention, to Promote HPV Vaccine Use

  The HPV vaccine can prevent both cervical cancer and a nasty sexually transmitted disease

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