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The Search for Ebola Immune Response Targets

The effort to develop therapeutics and a vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) requires a complex understanding of

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How having racially diverse friends can help you on the job

Employees with a racially diverse group of friends outside of work may actually perform better at their jobs, a new

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Genetic circuit allows both individual freedom, collective good

Individual freedom and social responsibility may sound like humanistic concepts, but an investigation of the

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A New Protein Target for Controlling Diabetes

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a previously

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Nanosponges Soak Up Toxins Released by Bacterial Infections and Venom

Engineers at the University of California, San Diego have invented a “nanosponge” capable of safely

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Autism linked to increased genetic change in regions of genome instability

These microscopic images were taken as part of research to explore rearrangements of DNA in

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Anti-vaccination tweets spread more easily than positive tweets, study suggests

      This network diagram shows connected Twitter users expressing negative (red) and positive

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