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No Excess Baggage: Antarctic Insect’s Genome, Newly Sequenced, is Smallest to Date

Scientists who sequenced the genome of the Antarctic midge suspect the genome’s small size – the smallest in insects described

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U.Va. Research Overturns Basic Beliefs About Atherosclerosis

Doctors’ efforts to battle the dangerous atherosclerotic plaques that build up in our arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes

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Scientists find link between faster ‘biological’ ageing and risk of heart disease

QIMR researchers have helped find new evidence that links faster ‘biological’ ageing to the risk

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International study reveals genes for breast, prostate, ovarian cancer risk

  QIMR scientists have played a key role in the world’s largest study of its

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Mood is Influenced by Immune Cells Called to the Brain in Response to Stress

New research shows that in a dynamic mind-body interaction during the interpretation of prolonged stress,

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Farmers who commit totally to sell locally can make a profit

Farmers can make a profit selling their produce directly to local businesses, but they must

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Key to TB cure could lie underwater

      Brian Murphy, assistant professor of medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy, collects bacteria from

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