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Discovery could yield more efficient plants for biofuels

The production of lignin in the Arabidopsis plant second from right has been disrupted, resulting in severe dwarfing. Making mutations

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Researchers find new targets for treating pulmonary hypertension

Two new potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, a deadly disease marked by high blood pressure

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Sweeping Review of Human Genome IDs Stroke Risk Genes

Researchers seeking to better understand how our genes contribute to stroke risk have completed what

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Just one in ten are referred for cardiac rehab after treatment for heart failure

Only 1 in 10 heart failure patients is referred to a cardiac rehabilitation program after

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Walking an Extra Two Minutes Each Hour May Offset Hazards of Sitting Too Long

A new study suggests that engaging in low intensity activities such as standing may not

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Targeting Newly Discovered Pathway Sensitizes Tumors to Radiation and Chemotherapy

In some patients, aggressive cancers can become resistant to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In a

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Study Sheds Light on Source of Drug Addicts Risk-Taking Behavior

A study out today provides new insight into how the brains of drug addicts may

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