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The Search for Ebola Immune Response Targets

The effort to develop therapeutics and a vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) requires a complex understanding of

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How having racially diverse friends can help you on the job

Employees with a racially diverse group of friends outside of work may actually perform better at their jobs, a new

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Sea-levels rising faster than IPCC projections

Sea-levels are rising 60 per cent faster than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC)

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Shrubs lend an insight into a glacier’s past

  The stems of shrubs have given researchers a window into a glacier’s past, potentially

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To Get the Best Look at a Person’s Face, Look Just Below the Eyes, According to UCSB Researchers

  They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. However, to get

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New Discovery about DNA Packaging

  A new discovery from researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of

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