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The Search for Ebola Immune Response Targets

The effort to develop therapeutics and a vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) requires a complex understanding of

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How having racially diverse friends can help you on the job

Employees with a racially diverse group of friends outside of work may actually perform better at their jobs, a new

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Scientists Create “Endless Supply” of Myelin-Forming Cells

  In a new study appearing this month in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers have

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Why ‘singing’ sand dunes hum certain notes

      "Singing" sand dunes, such as these in Al-Askharah, Oman, often hum at

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Breakthrough technique images breast tumors in 3-D with great clarity, reduced radiation

        Breast tumor (red) in 3-D: The red area represents a three-dimensional

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Researchers Recover Recorder From Antarctic Waters Containing Critical Baseline on Acidification

  A research team supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) has retrieved data from

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Starvation hormone markedly extends mouse life span, researchers report

Drs. David Mangelsdorf, Yuan Zhang, and Steven Kliewer (l-r) have demonstrated that a starvation hormone

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