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Minimally invasive procedures offer hope for elderly patients with heart-valve problems

Annie Henderson, 69, suffers from multiple chronic ailments, including kidney failure and mitral valve insufficiency. The later turned her life

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Scientists Seek to Improve Flu Vaccine for the Very Young

Scientists at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry have discovered a way to make a nasal spray

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Chaperone protein subverts removal of glaucoma-causing protein, USF-led study finds

  The chaperone protein Grp94 can interfere with the clearance of another protein known to

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Restricting nuclear power has little effect on the cost of climate policies

  “Questions have been raised if restricting nuclear energy – an option considered by some

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    ClockReader is the actual test and is taken with a stylus and computer

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ASU scientists bring the heat to refine renewable biofuel production

        Roy Curtiss and Xinyao Liu have been genetically optimizing cyanobacteria for

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Patent Issued for Technology that Improves Eyesight Dramatically

  A U.S. patent has been issued to the University of Rochester for technology that

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