
Polygenic Risk Score May Identify Alzheimer’s Risk in Younger Populations

Early identification may lead to early, more effective treatment For the first time, an international team of scientists, led by

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Cancer-spreading: Caught in the act

Scientists at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA have taken a major step toward confirming an unusual theory of how

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Ending prices with “.99” can backfire on sellers

Setting a price just below a round number ($39.99 instead of $40) may lead consumers

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High-speed camera captures a water jet’s splashy impact as it pierces a droplet

The results may help engineers develop a way to inject drugs without needles. Squirting a

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Magnets could offer better control of prosthetic limbs

System uses tiny magnetic beads to rapidly measure the position of muscles and relay that

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Social interaction can help fight depression in people with dementia

Social and group activities can help fight depression in people with dementia, new research has

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