
Polygenic Risk Score May Identify Alzheimer’s Risk in Younger Populations

Early identification may lead to early, more effective treatment For the first time, an international team of scientists, led by

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Cancer-spreading: Caught in the act

Scientists at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA have taken a major step toward confirming an unusual theory of how

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Hidden damage to lungs from Covid-19 revealed in new study from University of Sheffield

Research by the University of Sheffield, in collaboration with the University of Oxford, is the

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Study: COVID-19 Infection Combined with Blood Clots Worsen Patient Outcomes

Researchers at UC San Diego Health connect blood clots to an increased risk of death

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Antimicrobial Soap Additive Worsens Fatty Liver Disease in Mice

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers found evidence that triclosan — an

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Breaking it down: How cells degrade unwanted microRNAs

Discovery of mechanism that controls gene regulators could lead to new ways to fight disease

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Former NFL players may not suffer more severe cognitive impairment than others, study indicates

Even though repeated hits to the head are common in professional sports, the long-term effects

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