
Risk factors for Duchenne muscular dystrophy identified

A new study from UT Southwestern suggests that more people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy could live longer by identifying and

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

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Researchers Draw More Links between Vaping, Smoking, Young People, and Coronavirus

What do vapers, smokers, and non-smokers with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or

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Each human gut has a viral “fingerprint”

New database consists of over 33,000 unique viral populations in the gut Each person’s gut

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In one cancer therapy, two halves are safer than a whole

Splitting immunotoxins in half could increase their specificity toward cancers, study suggests Splitting one type

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Reprogramming immune cells to reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair

Macrophages are white blood cells that, depending on the signals they get from the immune

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Key brain region was “recycled” as humans developed the ability to read

Part of the visual cortex dedicated to recognizing objects appears predisposed to identifying words and

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