
Cytokine levels could predict immunotherapy problems

The development of immunotherapy, which mobilizes the body’s own immune system to destroy cancer cells, is one of the greatest

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West Antarctic ice shelf breaking up from the inside out

A key glacier in Antarctica is breaking apart from the inside out, suggesting that the ocean is weakening ice on

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Technique identifies T cells primed for certain allergies or infections

When your immune system is exposed to a vaccine, an allergen, or an infectious microbe,

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Stressed to the max? Deep sleep can rewire the anxious brain

When it comes to managing anxiety disorders, William Shakespeare’s Macbeth had it right when he

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Cocktail proves toxic to leukemia cells

A combination of drugs that affect mitochondria — the power plants inside cells — may

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Large Study Reveals PTSD Has Strong Genetic Component Like Other Psychiatric Disorders

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, affecting some 8

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New Diagnostic Criteria May Enable Earlier Detection of Cognitive Impairment in Women

Women make up two-thirds of patients with Alzheimer’s disease — so why is it that

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