
Risk factors for Duchenne muscular dystrophy identified

A new study from UT Southwestern suggests that more people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy could live longer by identifying and

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

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3-D-written model to provide better understanding of cancer spread

Purdue researcher Luis Solorio has helped create a lifelike cancer environment out of polymer to

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​Evidence that medical marijuana outlets sell to other users

A study of four medical marijuana outlets in California suggests that many of their customers

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Surprise: A Virus-Like Protein is Important for Cognition and Memory

A protein involved in cognition and storing long-term memories looks and acts like a protein

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Meet the Tiny Machine in Cells that Massacres Viruses

When viruses infect the body’s cells, those cells face a difficult problem. How can they

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Which came first: complex life or high atmospheric oxygen?

We and all other animals wouldn’t be here today if our planet didn’t have a

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