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University of Minnesota-developed safety net drug for rigid muscles moves ahead in clinical trials

A new formulation for a University of Minnesota-developed drug targeted at rare disorders is under development, with the potential to

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Increased carbon dioxide has altered photosynthesis of plants over the 20th century

Researchers at Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have discovered that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in

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Alzheimer protein’s structure may explain its toxicity

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have determined the molecular structure of one

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Distinguishing coincidence from causality: connections in the climate system

Detecting how changes in one spot on Earth – in temperature, rain, wind – are

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Hooray for Hollywood robots: Movie machines may boost robot acceptance

Remembering robots from film portrayals may help ease some of the anxiety that older adults

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How having racially diverse friends can help you on the job

Employees with a racially diverse group of friends outside of work may actually perform better

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Cotton fibres instead of carbon nanotubes

Plant-based cellulose nanofibres do not pose a short-term health risk, especially short fibres, shows a

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